JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Mississippi lawmakers are calling for more money for those impacted by last week’s deadly tornadoes.

The state has already contributed $5 million through Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but lawmakers said that is not enough.

Members of the Legislative Black Caucus argued that with local hospitals, schools, and housing all gone in the Delta communities, the need for more funding is clear.

State Senator Joseph Thomas (D-District 22) and Representative John Hines (D-District 50) shared their recent efforts to push fore more funding and what they would like to see from the state.

“Earlier this week, along with my colleagues in the Senate, sponsored an amendment to provide relief to all of those impacted by the recent disaster. It passed the Senate but was not considered in the House. We don’t need to leave until we know how we are going to help provide the funding that we need to make those cities and towns whole,” said Thomas.

“We are encouraging the leadership of this state to not speak up but step up and do the right thing for this community. Five million dollars to some folks is a lot of money, but in a time of disaster, it is just a drop in the bucket,” said Hines.

Budget deliberations are still ongoing, so it is unclear whether there will be any more money allocated.