Please complete this survey so that the cultural heritage community, with support from the Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF)  https://culturalrescue.si.edu/hentf/, can address the damage to CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS caused by the recent severe weather and flooding. The information gathered will help us identify where assistance is sought, direct assistance where needed, understand critical needs, and inform how recovery efforts move forward. This survey should take approximately 10–15 minutes to complete.

If you represent an ARTS ORGANIZATION, please take the ARTS ORGANIZATION survey here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsFr4W0cpsQFq-dr7CAeg0Guw7ckX1SBcSh7V2_lv74J7MJw/viewform 

If you represent an INDIVIDUAL ARTIST or PERFORMING GROUP, please take the INDIVIDUAL ARTISTS/PERFORMING GROUPS survey here: https://forms.gle/QL5gAYNUeG6fYRWn7

If you’re unsure how to classify your organization – cultural institution or arts organization – refer to the definitions here: https://www.culturalheritage.org/docs/default-source/resources/types-of-institutions-rapid-damage-assessment.pdf?sfvrsn=db91020_3

Questions? Please email fema-hentf@fema.dhs.gov 

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